Can I have your phone number?
Kame and Kettle can be reach at 289-273-2550.
Kame and Kettle can be reach at 289-273-2550.
We do not offer a menu right now but strongly encourage you to bring in any kind of takeout to enjoy with our beers!
The space will be a bigger tap room and brew space that you can go back and forth between.
We have $10 growler cans to go here and are on tap at a variety of restaurants including Pub on the Hill, My Place and Iggys.
We typcially have 8 or 9 beers on tap and we can do a 4oz pour for $2 of any all that you would like to try
Fonthill is a Kame caused by glacial run off. Kettle represents the beer.
© 2025 — Kame & Kettle Beer Works